Monday, October 30, 2006

Back from the C-Bus

I am back from my Three-Day Weekend in Columbus. You can read your local newspaper to find out The Ohio State killed Minnesota 44-0. I will have an extended account of my weekend in The Second Annual The Ohio State Weekend Blog coming out this week. I plan to write on the following.

Daren's girlfriend's dog Bentley
Tony Snow's White House Briefing on Friday (are they always this funny?)
Quaker Steak and Lube
"Buckeye BBQ" Wings
World Series Game 5
Kroger and OSU's Over-Marketing
Chili Cook-off
Farrell Kaye (that's an inside joke, I'm not writing about Farrell Kaye either)
The Ohio State-Minnesota
Troy Smith, Heisman Candidate
Jack Nicklaus dotting the "i" in Script Ohio (with a confession, I'm sure not to live down)
"Best Fans in the Land" PSA's
November 18
Bad Rap Song about November 18
Shameful Saturday Night (not the good kind of shameful either)
Chipotle Burrito :o) -
