It is going to be strange watching October baseball and flipping through TV to see what else is on….
It is going to be strange concentrating on work…
It is going to be strange turning off the TV while Darin Erstad tries to hold Scott Posednik on first base, not caring at all.
It is going to be strange not looking at complete strangers knowing that you’re thinking the same thing “can we do it this year”.
It is going to be strange talking to Mike wondering if I was upsetting some kind of karma.
It is going to be strange not being able to recite by memory the preview to Fox’s newest drama.
It is going to be strange wondering what Red Sox player took Tim McCarver’s parking spot.
It is going to be strange not listening to Tim McCarver’s laymen observations and horrible puns. Actually that will be nice.
It is going to be strange not seeing Yankee Stadium or Fenway Park in the background during an ALCS.
It is going to be strange not hearing about curses or 1918, or 1986, or 2003.
It is going to be strange not praying Mike Myers can get out Hideki Matsui.
It is going to be strange seeing fans who are at the game to see a hopping monkey or sing “na na na na” than fans whose existence for a whole year depends on the outcome.
It is not going to be strange, It is not going to be the drama we have become used to. Maybe this is what the Red Sox and Yankees needed to retool for their next runs. Maybe this is what we their fans needed to add the years back onto our lives that our teams have taken off the past two years. Maybe, just maybe this is going to be good for us….
Nah, it’s just going to be strange.