Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Maybe He IS the Unabomber

Broncos Quarterback Jake Plummer has been served a citation for a hit and run incident he had with a man named Doug Stone last month.

Stone alleges Plummer in a gray Honda van was driving recklessly cutting off three vehicles before cutting off his. “I wasn’t very polite, I honked my horn quite a bit” Plummer’s response was to step out of the van kick Stone’s car and say “Stay off my tail!”. He then pulled the van in reverse for about 10 seconds pushing Stone’s car and sped off.

Plummer disputes the recollection but admits to being in an accident he didn’t initially report.

Interesting notes are 1) Plummer, an NFL Quarterback driving a GRAY HONDA VAN 2) Stone initially not recognizing Plummer (even a non-football fan in Denver can recognize the Broncos Quarterback with a beard halfway down his neck) and 3) Plummers’ agents attempt to spin in “the kicker”

Still not as big an offense as last year's AFC Championship


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