Friday, April 06, 2007

A Michael Scott Joint: "Salary Negotiation"

I've been slacking on the MSJs all season long but vow to do one from now until the Season Finale in May. In hyping the return of new episodes, NBC vigorously promoted the show on the internet including this video that will update you better than I could (SPOILER ALERT: If you don't want to know what happened on last night's episode of "The Office" do not scroll past the YouTube)...

As you saw, Roy attempted to attack Jim after finding out he kissed Pam at the end of last season. What happened next was a surprise but probably shouldn't have been. He was pepper-sprayed by Dwight and later fired. The firing and the merger of the Stamford and Scranton branches has caused warehouse worker Daryl to ask for a raise. Michael prepares himself for this salary negotiation by researching Wikipedia, the "Best Thing Ever". However in the midst of his negotiations with Daryl, Michael realizes that he needs to do some salary negotiating of his own. Luckily it will be with his boss/lover Jan.

The buzz around the office is still about Roy's attempted attack. Jim realizes he owes Dwight. Karen is disturbed that Jim was part of a fight that had to do with another woman. Angela just wants to hear about Dwight's rescue because it gets her hot. So hot she makes out with Dwight in the middle of the office. Jim walks in on this and realizes the best way to pay Dwight back is to not tell anyone.

Because of Michael and Jan's situation Michael has to bring along his hated HR Representative Toby to New York for the negotiation. Michael, Toby, and Daryl drive to New York, during the drive Michael delivers another Chris Rock impression. The negotiations are complicated when Michael refuses to separate him and Jan's negotiation from their personal lives (threatening to refuse sex if he didn't get a raise). Jan gives him a 12% raise but makes him ask for 15 so that it doesn't look suspicious on the records.

Roy and Pam go out for closure coffee during which Roy asks Pam why she doesn't go out with Jim. Pam says it's because he has a girlfriend. The tables are now turned.

This show has become a dramedy. Enough attention is given to relationship nuances and backstory that it is still one of my favorite shows, just for an entirely different reason than the past two seasons. That said it is still good for one or two out loud laughs.

Next Week: Andy Bernard Returns...

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