Thursday, January 11, 2007

Jack in a Box: Day 4

In the beginning: Fired from CTU, Jack is working for the Department of Defense under Secretary James Heller while dating Heller's daughter Audrey Raines.

The Threat: Best part of Season Four is the threat is ever changing. A train is bombed and then the Secretary of Defense is kidnapped and put on trial, then nuclear plants are melted down, then Air Force One is shot out of the sky, then a nuclear warhead is aimed at Los Angeles.

12-Hour Villian: The unforgettable Araz family led by evil Dad Navi Araz.

Real Villian(s): Habib Marwan a genious Arab who is ahead of Jack and CTU at almost every turn. The best villian of the entire show.

Their Reason: Same reason all Arab terrorists bomb the United States.

Political Angle: With then President Keeler shot down in Air Force One, the country lays in the hands of the uneasy Charles Logan under the guidance of former President David Palmer. Their differences on how to handle Jack Bauer's mistake late in the season, provides tension, leading to an exciting conclusion.

The Mole(s): Aisha Tyler plays a mole who gets called in for extra staffing at CTU. Audrey's ex-husband Paul is incorrectly assumed to be working for the company that manufactured the nuclear override.

Kim Bauer: Written off in one line of dialogue. Her and Chase are living peacefully in Valencia taking care of Chase's daughter.

The World is Saved but…: In an attempt to capture a material Chinese witness the Chinese Consul is killed, prompting the Chinese to demand Jack's capture and trial in China. To escape this and orders from Logan to kill Jack to resolve the conflict, Jack must fake his own death and go into seclusion.

Thoughts: This is the fastest paced and best season of the show. This is also the first season to use the format you'll see Sunday and Monday for the first four hours of the season. The evolving threat and Marwan who was a competent villian, unlike some other 24 villians make this season the best in the series.

Poor Bahroos


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